ContestManager Screen Shots

Setting up a contest is easily done in three steps:

  1. Use the Contest Information dialog box to set the name and type of contest.
  2. Use the Event Information dialog box to set the events for the contest by choosing them from pull-down menus.
  3. Use the Contestant Information dialog box to enter contestants.

Once the contest is setup, flight data may be added using the Flight Data dialog box. The fields in this dialog box change depending on which event is selected. Here is an example of a Payload altitude event:

The main display for ContestManager can show the contest results in several different ways:

  1. Results view shows a summary of all flight results lists the results for each flight in a spreadsheet-like format.
  2. Points view shows the points awarded to each contestant for easy transfer to contest forms.
  3. Standings view shows the places for each event for keeping contestants updated throughout the contest.
  4. Records view shows records that were set or broken at the contest.
  5. Meet champions view shows the total points awarded at this meet for all contestants and sections.
  6. Point Award Sheet view presents the contest summary for submission to Regional Contest Board Chairman.
  7. NARAN Points view shows pre-NARAM and NARAM points for all contestants.
  8. National Champions view shows the final standings for the contest year.

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